Who doesn’t love boardgames?!

Ever since I can remember I have been either playing board games or trying to come up with them. As a kid I was drawn to creating my own versions of existing of games, crafting worlds on paper or coming with new stories for characters in my games. That has always stayed with me and I work currently in the creative industry as a storyteller/scriptwriter. In my spare time there’s nothing I love doing more than playing a new game or trying to come up with strategies for the games that I am playing frequently. 

During the first COVID lockdown I started dreaming about my own board game. Even though it may sound weird, it just never really occurred to me before that I could actually create a real game that would be played by others.  It all just fell into place and felt really natural. 

I grew up with Talisman, Warhammer, Hero Quest and Battle Masters. Fantasy has always been my favorite genre and sandbox to play in. Taking into account that pretty much every game I grew up with featured miniatures, the decision made itself to create a game in a fantasy setting with miniatures. The idea for 'The Arena of Baradum' was there pretty quickly. And instead of looking for a company to publish, why not do it yourself? Thus the birth of Horned Toad Games. 

It's been 3 years now since I started this journey and I have learned A LOT. To be honest, I would do it all differently knowing then what I know now. But I am very proud about how it turned out. 'The Arena' really encapsulates the vision I had and it makes me happy to have control over every aspect of the project. I always thought I couldn't be bothered by anything other than the creative aspect, but I was surprised by how interesting every step along the way is. From production to delivery to your doorstep. I am so keen to make sure every step of the way is a great experience for everyone. 

I can't wait to get started on new games. There are a couple of concrete ideas that I have that I want to explore further and shape into an easy-to-play yet tactical game. With your support, I hope I can do just that: create and bring awesome games to your table. 

Thank you for your time and support! 

Robbin Hulsker a.k.a. ‘‘The Hulsk’’